Volgens de United Nations, is 1 op de 30 mensen een migrant. Ieder mens heeft recht op migratie. Migranten zijn dan ook eeuwenlang onderdeel van bijna iedere samenleving op onze aardbol. Toch wordt migrant zijn gezien als een uitzondering, iets waar we anderen mee kunnen beoordelen. Hierover schreef Nawel Khelil, mede-eigenaar en adviseur een stuk. Wij hopen dat dit je inspireert om positief naar migratie te kijken!

Most of us are migrants, in one way or another.

One to seek comfort, the other to seek provision. Migration is maybe the word that defines every living organism on this planet, because, without migration, we wouldn’t have survived the challenges and circumstances that we’ve been in, for centuries now.

It’s a shame that nowadays the word migration is almost equal to inequality, poverty, trauma and disstress. Because if we do the right thing, and disconnect ourselves from our internalized stigma, and sincerely see each other for who we are, we can turn migration in the most powerful and meaningful root of our society.

Migration is not some fancy word that makes you cool as a person or organization, migration is a thing that you can just correct for in your analyses, migration is what makes the world as diverse and beautiful as it is now – and the people as valuable as they’ve always been.

We just have to respect it, embrace its challenges and take from it what brings to succes.

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